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Writer's pictureTakumigo

Dan level game review 1

White played a knight move in the lower left corner. How should Black respond locally?

In the actual game, Black chose a knight move at move 1, but was then pressed by White at move 2, resulting in a somewhat repetitive local position.

A large knight move at move 1 would have been a better choice for Black.

White’s move at 2 would then be ineffective.

However, I recommend that if there isn't a particularly large move elsewhere, the extension by Black is very significant, as it effectively prevents White's development.

Next, what should Black choose at this point?

A splitting move is recommended, as in the opening stage, it is essential to consider how to reduce the efficiency of the opponent's stones. The splitting move that hinders White's influence is a reasonable choice.

Black can also consider using the thickness in the lower left to develop. White 2 and Black 3 can form a miai point.

These are all well-paced moves.

In the actual game, Black chose a Sanrensei formation.

When having the two wings position, the 3-3 invasion is very painful, so the Sanrensei idea is not very good in this position.

After gaining sente in the actual game, Black’s splitting move at move 6 was a good consideration.

With two wing position, Black 6 is also a move worth considering.

However, playing this as a gote move is not good; White’s coordination is very successful.

Next, White played an invasion at 2-5. Here, White had options at points A, B, and C, all of which are joseki moves.

White chose to press for twice. Next, should Black play at point A or point B?

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This question is actually not easy to answer, but point A is very significant. Black doesn’t need to fear White’s large knight move, as Black still has a move to peep.

White’s free sente move at 2 is very large. Some might think that this exchange doesn't bring White any territory, but the free exchange in sente is very valuable, as it widens White's escape routes in the center.

When comparing this variation, can you feel the value of White’s move at O14? This is the better move for Black.

However, White 4 is overly ambitious, leaving the cutting point at point A.

This cutting point will give Black some territorial advantage.

White would do better to choose a more basic move.

The value of Black’s cut at 2 is much smaller.

As the game progresses, Black made a critical mistake.

Black 1 wishfully assumed that White would connect at point A, but after White pulled out with move 2, Black found themselves in a tough fight.

Black should have reinforced, White’s cut is ineffective.

In the end, a trade was formed: Black captured some territory on the right side, while White captured the center. Now, although Black’s situation is unfavorable, what can Black do?

Sometimes, when the situation is unfavorable, there’s no need to rush. First, take care of your weak groups. Black still has a reasonable amount of points and can catch up in the endgame.

Attempting a 3-3 invasion when Black still has a weak group is too much.

This leads to a ko fight.

Next, White’s attack left Black with no good continuation.

Although White did not play the strongest sequence, Black managed to capture the upper right, but sacrificed too much on the left side, leaving Black unable to reverse the losing position.

Therefore, sometimes it’s better not to rush into a 3-3 invasion; it’s more important to secure your own groups before invading your opponent.

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