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Writer's pictureTakumigo

Dan level game review 2

This article will analyze some problematic moves in a Fox 1-dan game. I recommend that players of a similar level consider the following questions.

How should White respond to the next move?






White 1's double tiger's mouth looks like a strong shape, but it suffers from Black's tiger's mouth at move 2 in sente.

The correct move for White is to connect at 1.

In the future, White's moves at 3 and 7 will be White's privilege, leaving Black with only a gote eye on the lower side.

Black initiates an attack with moves 1 and 3. How should White respond?






White should simply cut, creating miai with the capturing options at points A and B.

In the actual game, White played at position 4, allowing Black to pull back at 5, resulting in a loose shape for White, which is not good.

Next, it's Black's turn. What options does Black have?






Black can choose a solid approach, with both Black and White extending towards the center, after which Black can take a big point.

Black can also choose an aggressive approach, Black's moyo in the bottom right is great, giving Black an advantage!

In the actual game, Black's move 1 was a very crude move that helped White strengthen their position.

Faced with a disadvantage, Black suddenly made an unreasonable move. How should White respond?






White should cut! Although White's hane at point A would not result in a loss, Go is a game where you should punish your opponent's unreasonable moves!

In the actual game, this led to a situation where Black's left and lower sides became very vulnerable, putting White in a very favorable position.

In the end, Black's group of 7 stones on the left was completely captured, and White secured over 30 points of solid territory on the left, with the potential to enclose up to 60 points. White's territorial lead was very clear.

When Black cuts, how should White respond?






White should focus on managing the large weak group while simultaneously reducing Black's potential in the lower right. This way, White can gradually turn the advantage into a winning game.

In the actual game, White overplayed, and after Black's atari at move 2, White's eye space was incomplete, making the situation very dangerous.

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