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Writer's pictureTakumigo

How to use different shoulder hits

Updated: Aug 4

This article will discuss different ways to limit a moyo.

To begin, we will take a look to some basic variations. Afterwards, we would discuss when to use which variations.

After shoulder hit at K16, white could respond at A or B.

If white 2 climb, black 3 could jump and escape.

Black 3 could also consider to extend at J16, nobi (extension) is a bit slower than jump, the shape is also more heavy (harder to sarcrifice and escape), but the benefit is the bend at A become stronger,

White 2 could also extend to the centre, black 3 jump and escape.

Similar to 3-3 joseki, white has the tesuji of clamp, it could help to surround more territories on the edge, but the limitation is that, black has various sente to use.

Black 3 could also consider to extend, it is the same that nobi (extension) is a bit slower than jump, the shape is also more heavy (harder to sarcrifice and escape), but the benefit is the block at K17 become bigger.

Notice that, as black 1 decided to play the shoulder hit inside white's territory, opponent is able to cut of the connection of black stones and attack the centre group, black need to aware the risk.

Shoulder hit on the other side is aiming to develope moyo simultaneously with white.

No matter white climb on which direction, black could play a jump.

Attach is the most complicated approach, as white has 4 different responses, black need to consider all of them.

White 2 retreat, return to variation of shoulder hit from outside, black 3 jump.

White 2 retreat, return to variation of shoulder hit from inside, black 3 jump.

Hane from inside would lead to an exchange.

Hane from outside would lead to a fight. So attach is a move trying to get efficiency in the cost of giving opponent power to choose. Later, I would introduce when to try this move.

Question time! Q1: In the next move, should black play A or B?

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Correct answer: Black 1 is better

Wrong answer: white is satisfied with the big territory. Black could consider attach in this question, but it provided white power to choose.

 Q2: In the next move, should black play A or B?

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Correct answer: Black 1 is better, black worked with the influence and create a big moyo.

Wrong answer: Black 1 could destroy more territories, but white could also get into black's moyo.

Q3: It is same as Q2, but K17 relocated to L17. In the next move, should black play A or B?

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Wrong answer: White get one more line of territory comparing to Q2, and black moyo is one line smaller, so white is more satisfied.

Correct answer:Black attach is a move pursuing for efficiency. The cost is that white has 4 different approaches to response, but the advantage would be demonstrated in the next diagram.

If white retreat, black is obivously satisfied.

  Q4: In the next move, should black play A or B?

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Wrong answer:Only considering to destroy opponent's territory, but neglete your own weak group is not a wise choice.

Correct answer:Black strengthen its group on the mean time getting into white's territory is a smarter choice.

 Q5: In the next move, should black play A or B?

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Wrong answer:Only considering to destroy opponent's territory, but fail to notice opponent's weak group. Lose the chance to attack.

Correct answer:Dividing opponent's weak group is the right way to play.

So, when considering a move, need to notice the teamwork of stones, consider the value of influence and notice weak groups.

Please comment if you have any questions, and also share your examples to play the shoulder hit or attach!

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Jarosław Jusiak
Jarosław Jusiak
Jul 19

I love this formula. A little bit of theory aplied with a few examples with questions. I think it helps to remeber the idea behind the theory and it is easier to repeat it in your own games.


remy birambeau
remy birambeau
Jul 19

Question time is an other good idea


Jul 19

This was great! I look forward to reading the other posts.

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