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Kyu level game review 1

At this point, what joseki can Black choose for the upper right corner?

In the actual game, Black chose to play a kick followed by a jump. If you've watched my YouTube videos, you might know that I don't recommend players of kyu level to use this sequence.

The reason is that even if Black later extends on the side, the 3-3 invasion in the corner is still available.

If Black chooses to protect the corner, the right side remains open and available for invasions, making it a difficult shape to handle.

I recommend that kyu-level players only use the kick when there is support to prevent White from playing the three space extension.

Returning to this game, I also do not recommend Black to choose a knight's move or similar moves to secure the corner, because considering the configuration on the lower right, Black's position is already being pressed down, so Black should not invest stones in the low-value side.

A pincer is a better option for Black, whether it's a one space pincer or another types of pincer.

Next, White played a one space pincer. How should Black respond?

In the actual game, Black chose a joseki that emphasizes influence. What do you think of this choice?

I believe that emphasizing influence is not a good move for Black because there is no target for Black's influence to attack, and Black would need to seal off three sides to enclose the center, which has limited value.

Playing the 3-3 point is a better choice for Black.

If White cuts at move 2, the development potential of White's upper side will disappear.

If White emphasizes influence at move 2, Black can live in the corner with sente and then seize the initiative to invade elsewhere, which maintains a good pace.

The move at the second line to take territory is more effective, and it's easier for Black to play.

Next, how should Black respond to the situation in the upper right corner?

In the actual game, Black 1 chose to press again, hoping to make White retreat.

But White responded with a large knight's move into the corner, making it difficult for Black to handle.

Therefore, Black should calmly secure the territory in the corner.

At this point in the game, Black has two weaknesses, A and B. Black can only choose to defend one of them. Which weakness should Black defend?

Black should secure the center. If White captures the corner, Black's move at 5 is the largest on the board, and White would have to live on the left side, leaving Black in a favorable position.

In the actual game, Black 1 chose a small profit in the corner, but White 2 cut through the center, which was very significant, leaving Black in a losing position.

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